Service Quotations
Applies to Admin, Service Advisor
A service quotation is a specific type of quotation proposal that is usually prepared by service advisor. This quotation would specify the types of repairs that a potential client’s car may needs. In the quotation, it will include a breakdown of the estimates fee for each type of car repair service.
1. From the navigation menu, go to SERVICE ADVISOR and click on Quotation.

2. You are now on Quotation Page. This page will display a list of quotation that has been made.
There are 3 tabs based on quotation status. You can click on the tab that you want to view.

Click on Show button to view more details and Edit button to edit quotation details.
Create New Quotation
To create new quotation, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on New Quotation button in the top right corner of the page.

2. You will then redirect to Create Quotation page. Fill in the required information such as vehicle information, select part with their quantity or select type of service.

5. Then, click Save button to submit service quotation.
Convert Quotation to Work Order
To convert active quotation into new work order, click on Convert Into Work Order button. The quotation will appear in Work Order page.