Product Sales

Applies to  Admin, Cashier

As a cashier, you need to receive and collect payment. You need to provide an invoice for a customer purchase.

1. From the navigation menu, go to CASHIER and click on Sales.

2. You are now on Sales Page. This page will display a list of sales history. There are four 4 tabs available which is:

Order/Waiting Part – Waiting part to dispense from part controller
Part Completed – Part has been dispense & to generate invoice
Unpaid/Invoiced – Payment has not been received yet
Paid/Completed – Payment has been made

To edit existing sales information, follow the steps below:

1. Click on Edit button in the ACTION column to see more details.

2. Hover over the information you would like to edit. Enter data into the fields listed or edit existing information.

3. When you are finished editing, click Update button. There are cancel button if you do not wish to save your changes.

4. Click on Invoice button in the ACTION column to invoice details.

Create New Sales

To create a new sales, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on New Sales button in the top right corner of the page.

2. Fill in the required information which is customer name, item and item quantity.

3. Then, click Save button. There are cancel button if you want to cancel to create new sales.

Generate Invoice

To generate invoice from product sell, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Part Completed tab.

2. Click on Edit button in the ACTION column. It will display the sale details.

3. Click on New Invoice button to generate invoice. Then, customer can proceed to make a payment by referring to this invoice.

Make a Payment

To create make a payment, please follow the steps below:

1. Go to Unpaid/Invoiced tab.

2. Click on Edit button in the ACTION column. It will display the sale details.

4. To proceed with payment, you need to click on View Invoice button in the top right corner of the page.

5. It will redirect you to Invoice page, click on Pay Now button to proceed with payment.

6. You are now in Payment page. It will display the payment details, choose payment method.

7. Customer can use more than one payment method to pay. Click on plus button icon to insert new payment method.

8. Click on Update button and payment has been successfully processed.

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